Our Vision to increase our core products offering in order to maintain a position of leadership.
Our biggest achievement has been winning the trust of our esteemed customers by regular interactions with them to understand their requirements and ensure worth to be their satisfaction. To deliver premium value to our stakeholders, continuously.
Besides it, we uphold our themes & values to remain a responsible corporate.

We, Pure India Trust (NGO), are concentrating on आत्मनिर्भर भारत अभियान and making आत्मनिर्भर तथा विद्यार्थियों को सक्षम in the rural and semi urban areas. We are enabling them to be industry ready by equipping them with the right attitude and values to enhance their life conditions and contribute actively to the economy. Empowering rural communities, especially women, economically and socially through vocational and entrepreneurship training and enhance access to resources, new technology and financial services.
We are working on the following project :
-Women Entrepreneurship Development – Livelihood program,
-Student Career Guidance & Mentoring,
-Adopt a Government School for integrated Development
-Menstrual Awareness
-Scholarships for Higher Education
-Vocational Skill Development
We are looking your CSR support (you can select any project).
Hoping to get a favorable reply from your end, to start our long term association.